Chair & President: Carol (Brooks) Findley, 2021-2024, 2024-2027
Vice-Chair: Joseph Powell, 2021-2024, 2024-2027
Secretary: Ginny Ann Blackson, 2022-2025
Treasurer: Dominic Klyve, 2022-2025
Board of Directors
Gary Cummisk, 2022-2025
Patricia Cutright, 2023-2026
Marlene Divina, 2023-2026
Zaire Eltayeb, 2024-2027
Janine Graves, 2022-2025
Dan Herman, 2019-2025
Melody Madlem, 2023-2026
Matt Martinson, 2024-2027
Sterling Quinn, 2023-2026 (webmaster)
Jan Tilley, 2024-2027
Sydney Thompson (ex officio – Dean of Libraries), ongoing
FRIENDS OF THE JAMES E. BROOKS LIBRARY of central washington university
The official name of this organization shall be Friends of the James E. Brooks Library of Central Washington University.
The purpose of the Friends of the James E. Brooks Library shall be to recruit friends for the library, to promote the library's visibility by demonstrating its value as the center of a learning enterprise, and to secure resources, including the maintenance of an endowment fund with the Central Washington University Foundation, that supports instruction, research and leisure reading. In pursuing these goals, the Friends will consult with the Dean, the faculty, and staff of the library.
Mission and Vision
The Friends are advocates of the library. As such their mission is to advocate, whenever and wherever possible, the necessity for excellence within the library – excellence in services, in faculty and staff, in information resources, in environmental conditions and access.
The Friends envision staying fully informed on library issues and critical needs and sharing information widely through newsletters and meetings that focus on library-related topics. Vision includes seeking new opportunities to serve and support the library, diversifying revenue sources, securing special collections for the library, promoting reading and library use, and providing social programs for members and guests.
The Friends of the James E. Brooks Library is a voluntary, non-profit organization working in cooperation with the Central Washington University Foundation. Any person interested in the purpose of this organization and contributing finances, resources or service may apply to serve on the board. Interested persons will submit a letter of interest to the board president. The board president will interview applicant and share letter of interest with the rest of the board.
Officers and Organization
Section 1
Between nine and fifteen members of the Board of Directors will be elected by a majority vote of members. The vote may be called for by the board president at a meeting, via email or on a conference call during the year as vacancies occur. Board members will serve a three-year term.
(1) Board members may serve two consecutive terms before leaving for at least one year.
(a) All new Board members shall receive a copy of the Constitution and have a conversation with the Chair of the Board (or designee) about responsibilities and expectations.
(2) They shall annually select one of their number as Chair of the Board and President of the organization, one as Vice-Chair, one as Treasurer, and one as Secretary.
(3) The Dean of Library Services of Central Washington University or his/her designee shall serve as the representative of the library.
(4) The Board of Directors may authorize the Chair to appoint committees, make assignments or initiate other actions consistent with the purposes of this organization.
(5) A vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 2
(1) The meetings of this organization shall be held quarterly and shall consist of at least one annual meeting of members of the organization to be held at a time or place determined by the Board of Directors, and such other meetings as the Board of Directors shall call. The annual meeting shall be held in the month of June. A notice shall be published and notices sent to the membership prior to said Annual Meeting.
(2) The fiscal year of the Friends shall be from July 1 to June 30.
(3) Meetings shall be conducted by using Roberts Rules of Order.
(4) A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be no fewer than one-half of the number of active Directors. Directors unable to attend meetings may also vote by proxy or assign their vote to the Chair.
(5) The Board may remove any Director who has two or more absences from regular meetings of the Board of Directors or does not contribute time to non-meeting activities during a fiscal year.
(6) The Board of Directors shall transact the business of the organization between meetings of the member of the organization and recommend the disbursement of funds of the organization to support activities or purchases which, at least partially, are physically held within the Brooks Library.
Section 3: Board of Directors Duties
(1) Attend all meetings of the Board.
(2) Contribute to non-meeting Board activities (book sale, library events, etc) at a commitment of approximately 10 hours per year.
(3) Board of Directors members are encouraged to financially contribute to the Friends of the Brooks Library Foundation account.
These articles may be supplemented by a set of bylaws, which may be adopted by a majority vote of those members present at an annual meeting of the organization.
These article and bylaws that may be in effect may be amended at any annual meeting of this organization by a majority of those members present.
Passed by unanimous vote during the Annual Meeting, June 5, 2023.
Jan Tilley, 2024-2027
Sydney Thompson (ex officio – Dean of Libraries), ongoing
FRIENDS OF THE JAMES E. BROOKS LIBRARY of central washington university
The official name of this organization shall be Friends of the James E. Brooks Library of Central Washington University.
The purpose of the Friends of the James E. Brooks Library shall be to recruit friends for the library, to promote the library's visibility by demonstrating its value as the center of a learning enterprise, and to secure resources, including the maintenance of an endowment fund with the Central Washington University Foundation, that supports instruction, research and leisure reading. In pursuing these goals, the Friends will consult with the Dean, the faculty, and staff of the library.
Mission and Vision
The Friends are advocates of the library. As such their mission is to advocate, whenever and wherever possible, the necessity for excellence within the library – excellence in services, in faculty and staff, in information resources, in environmental conditions and access.
The Friends envision staying fully informed on library issues and critical needs and sharing information widely through newsletters and meetings that focus on library-related topics. Vision includes seeking new opportunities to serve and support the library, diversifying revenue sources, securing special collections for the library, promoting reading and library use, and providing social programs for members and guests.
The Friends of the James E. Brooks Library is a voluntary, non-profit organization working in cooperation with the Central Washington University Foundation. Any person interested in the purpose of this organization and contributing finances, resources or service may apply to serve on the board. Interested persons will submit a letter of interest to the board president. The board president will interview applicant and share letter of interest with the rest of the board.
Officers and Organization
Section 1
Between nine and fifteen members of the Board of Directors will be elected by a majority vote of members. The vote may be called for by the board president at a meeting, via email or on a conference call during the year as vacancies occur. Board members will serve a three-year term.
(1) Board members may serve two consecutive terms before leaving for at least one year.
(a) All new Board members shall receive a copy of the Constitution and have a conversation with the Chair of the Board (or designee) about responsibilities and expectations.
(2) They shall annually select one of their number as Chair of the Board and President of the organization, one as Vice-Chair, one as Treasurer, and one as Secretary.
(3) The Dean of Library Services of Central Washington University or his/her designee shall serve as the representative of the library.
(4) The Board of Directors may authorize the Chair to appoint committees, make assignments or initiate other actions consistent with the purposes of this organization.
(5) A vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 2
(1) The meetings of this organization shall be held quarterly and shall consist of at least one annual meeting of members of the organization to be held at a time or place determined by the Board of Directors, and such other meetings as the Board of Directors shall call. The annual meeting shall be held in the month of June. A notice shall be published and notices sent to the membership prior to said Annual Meeting.
(2) The fiscal year of the Friends shall be from July 1 to June 30.
(3) Meetings shall be conducted by using Roberts Rules of Order.
(4) A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be no fewer than one-half of the number of active Directors. Directors unable to attend meetings may also vote by proxy or assign their vote to the Chair.
(5) The Board may remove any Director who has two or more absences from regular meetings of the Board of Directors or does not contribute time to non-meeting activities during a fiscal year.
(6) The Board of Directors shall transact the business of the organization between meetings of the member of the organization and recommend the disbursement of funds of the organization to support activities or purchases which, at least partially, are physically held within the Brooks Library.
Section 3: Board of Directors Duties
(1) Attend all meetings of the Board.
(2) Contribute to non-meeting Board activities (book sale, library events, etc) at a commitment of approximately 10 hours per year.
(3) Board of Directors members are encouraged to financially contribute to the Friends of the Brooks Library Foundation account.
These articles may be supplemented by a set of bylaws, which may be adopted by a majority vote of those members present at an annual meeting of the organization.
These article and bylaws that may be in effect may be amended at any annual meeting of this organization by a majority of those members present.
Passed by unanimous vote during the Annual Meeting, June 5, 2023.